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Sexual Abuse Awareness Training

After registering as a coach or manager, Abuse Prevention Systems will send you an email that contains a personalized link to complete an online training course. Soccer Rhode Island will automatically be notified after your successful completion of the course. However, please save a copy of your certificate for your own records.  


Involvement in youth sport provides an enormous benefit to young athletes. The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act of 2017 (Safe Sport Act) aims to preserve those benefits by addressing the risk of child sexual abuse inherent in youth sport. The Safe Sport Act is intended to prevent sexual abuse in youth sport, primarily through prevention training, prevention policies, and mandatory reporting. In accordance with the Safe Sport Act, all adults involved with youth sports are required to report suspicions of abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Soccer Rhode Island requires any coach, assistant coach, or team manager to complete an on-line prevention training course prior to being listed on a state certified roster.

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