Portsmouth Pirates Soccer Club Guidelines
Club Overview
The Portsmouth Pirates Soccer Club will attempt to field as many competitive boy and girl teams as possible in all age groups. The team creation philosophy is to organize players into teams based on tryout results from most competitive to least competitive. When possible, teams may be organized by calendar year age if age based organization is consistent with tryout results. Parents and others interested in volunteering to coach a team should contact the Pirates President (piratespres@pysa.com) and register on the Competitive program page.
Tryouts for Fall and Spring soccer are held only once a year at the beginning of the Summer for U8 through U14 and in the Spring for U16 and U19. Players interested in participating in the Fall and/or Spring sessions should attend tryouts to reserve a spot on a team. See the Competitive program page for the tryout schedule and results.
Each player will pay for his/her uniform, which the player will keep. Each uniform set contains two shirts (red and white), 1 pair of shorts, and 1 pair of socks. See the Parents resource page for more information.
Player/Parent Commitment
Selection to a Portsmouth Pirates Soccer Club team requires a firm commitment to that team, and the Club, by both player and parents. Competition will involve out-of-town travel.
Fall season runs from early September to early November. Spring season runs from early April to mid June. A player’s attendance at practice sessions and games is vital to the player’s development and the overall performance of his/her team. Possible conflicts with other activities (hockey, basketball, baseball, dancing classes, etc.) in regard to the above should be discussed with the coach at selection time. The head coach will have final determination in these matters. Teams typically practice twice a week with games on weekends.
Parental support for the child’s team and the club are necessary for this volunteer organization. Parents can help by volunteering for the following positions:
All parents are also expected help during the Portsmouth Invitational Soccer Tournament.
Operating Fund
Each player will pay a Fall and Spring fee. The Fall fee is due before tryouts which is to cover the operating expenses of the Club during the Fall season. The remaining balance is due at Spring registration. The expenses of the Club include, but are not limited to, insurance fees, paying referee fees, purchasing soccer related equipment, paying entrance fees for tournaments, and field maintenance. Indoor soccer registrations and additional out-of-town and out-of-state tournament registrations are extra.
All players are covered with medical and liability insurance through Portsmouth Youth Soccer Association and through Soccer Rhode Island (SRI). If the need for insurance arises, contact a Coach or PYSA President as soon as possible.
Parents, as well as players, are expected to adhere to the rules of good sportsmanship at all times. The use or consumption of alcoholic beverages by parents and/or spectators at any game is prohibited.
Zero Tolerance Policy
No coach, parent, or player is to address the referee or make comments on or about a referee's call or non-call while present at any PYSA soccer game (Home or Away). Failure to do so can undermine the referee’s authority and potentially create a hostile environment for the players, referee, and other participants. To learn more, see the Zero Tolerance Policy.
Super Liga Overview
Super Liga generally offers four competitive divisions. The PYSA Competitive Coordinator helps to place each team within an appropriate division for competition based on overall level of technical and tactical ability.
Anchor Division
The Anchor Division has been established for teams that have a high percentage of players that demonstrate a strong level of technical and tactical ability.
Classic Gold Division
The Classic Gold Division has been established for the teams that have a high percent of players that demonstrate an above-average level of technical and tactical ability at their age.
Classic Blue Division
The Classic Blue Division has been established for the teams that have a high percent of players that demonstrate an average level of technical and tactical ability at their age.
Rhody Division
The Rhody Division has been established for the teams that have a high percent of inexperienced players that demonstrate a recreational level of technical and tactical ability at their age.
Volunteer Positions
Age-Level Coordinators
One age-level coordinator is appointed by the Board for each selected for each gender and age bracket. The responsibilities of the Age-Level Coordinator include:
Conducting team tryouts.
Selecting teams.
Head Coaches
One head coach is appointed for each competitive travel team by the Board. The administrative responsibilities of the Head Coach include, but are not limited to:
Selection of Assistant Coaches and Team Representatives.
Establishment and enforcement of team principles.
Communication with other Super Liga coaches and documentation of weekly game reports.
Selection of league tournaments and special events. Board makes final tournament decision when PYSA funds are involved. Coach may decide to participate in sanctioned tournaments or special events that do not require PYSA funds. Tournaments requiring travel of three hours or more need Board approval.
Attend PYSA Board meetings.
Team Representatives
Two Team Representatives are appointed for each competitive travel team by the Head Coach. The primary role of the Team Representatives is to attend the PYSA Board meetings as their team liaison and keep the other parents of their team updated about current events. If a Team Representative cannot attend a Board meeting, then the Team Representative should find a volunteer to attend in his/her place.
It is hoped that after a Team Representative has served for 1 year, he or she will either continue to act as a Team Representative in the future or step forward to become an Executive Officer.